söndag, juni 24, 2012

Bosnisk jihad i Norrköping

I en kartläggning av jihadismen i Bosnien, gjord av MEMRI, ges imamen Bilal Bosnic framträdande plats. Kartläggningen visar dels hur Bilal Bosnic uppviglar mot västvärlden och otrogna, hyllar självmordsbombare och gör propaganda för talibanerna, dels uppgifter om att Bilal Bosnic är aktiv i att föra jihadister till fronten i Irak.
"In several online videos, the preacher Bilal Bosnić sings songs of praise for the mujahideen, as well as songs beseeching them to take vengeance upon the U.S. and other Western nations. In one video Bosnić sings: 'Beautiful jihad has risen over Bosnia/ Bosnians have begun saying takbir and praying.../ Let America know that I perform Da'wa/ and pray that it fall to pieces. Oh infidels! Try to touch the mujahideen one more time/ and our brothers the Taliban will immediately come/ and judge you with their sword.' 
In another song of praise for suicide bombings [länk], Bosnić says: "Jihad, jihad, oh Allah/ Jihad, jihad, oh Allah/ is the redemption of the Muslims. Let America and the other tyrants know/ that now all Muslims as one are the Taliban/ Hear now, all my brothers/ believers from all over the world: With explosives on our chests we will pave the paths of jihad... The mujahideen of Palestine/ give their lives for the shahada/ May they all enjoy paradise.'"
A Bosnian newspaper recently published an article titled 'Gornja Maoča – A Way Station for Wahhabis Embarking on Jihad,' which describes life in the village according to an anonymous source who presented himself as a former follower of Nusret Imamović and a former resident of Gornja Maoča. The following are details provided by the source: In recent years the village has been visited by many fighters on their way to jihad fronts in Iraq and Yemen. Imamović makes sure to send unmarried men, since he does not want the responsibility of caring for the families if the men are killed in combat. The fighters are transported to Iraq by the preacher Bilal Bosnić (see above), whereas a man named Edis Bosnić is responsible for translating Al-Qaeda materials into Bosnian.  
Under 2006 höll Bilal Bosnic en rad föreläsningar i Sverige, bland annat i både Malmö och Göteborg.

Filmer och ljudupptagningar från en mängd av hans predikningar sprids idag av Norrköpings Unga Muslimer (NUM), som är en bosniskt dominerad lokalförening i det stora rikstäckande ungdomsförbundet Sveriges Unga Muslimer (SUM).

En annan bosnisk imam som förekommer i rapporten är som nämnts ovan Nusret Imamovic.
"Salafis in Bosnia, and Imamović chief among them, openly support Al-Qaeda and global jihad movements. In their sermons, they grant religious legitimacy to harming infidels and attacking the West. An example can be found in a lecture Imamović delivered on March 7, 2011, titled 'The Laws of Jihad,' in which he explained that the struggle against the infidels is 'an armed struggle, a struggle with guns and not pens. For in Arabic we say 'qatl,' which means 'kill,' and killing can only be done with guns.' 
In a 2008 fatwa, Imamović legitimized suicide bombings. A reader of 'The Way of the Believer' website posted the question: 'Is it a sin to wear an explosive belt and detonate it among the infidels?' Imamović replied: 'We do not see this form of combat as forbidden; however, unlike conventional weapons, it must only be used in special circumstances.' In the spirit of Salafi-jihadi doctrine, Imamović takes a hard line with regards to Muslims who are not sufficiently pious by his standards. According to him, even Muslims who pray, perform the hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca), are charitable, etc., are targets for jihad if they neglect a single law of Islam."
Även budskapet från Nusret Imamovic sprids av NUM.

Frågan som måste ställas är förstås hur det kan komma sig att en medlemsförening i den väletablerade ungdomsorganisationen SUM, i den breda så kallade muslimska mittfåran, kan sprida predikningar av imamer som bejakar självmordsbombningar, hyllar al-Qaida och stöttar talibanerna.