Genom Biblioteksrelaterat får jag veta att åtminstone ett bibliotek i världen har utfärdat vad jag drömt om så länge: en särskild ordningsstadga för att få ett slut på det ständiga oväsen kulturlivets stöttepelare utan uppehåll frambringar med sina mobiltelefoner.
Storyn kommer från Library Journal, som berättar följande:
...what may be the first ordinance of its kind, banning cell phone use involving talking, text messaging, and ringing tones in a public library goes into effect today. First-time offenders will be warned, but a second offense will result in a $250 fine, rising to $500 the second time, and $1000 for the third infraction. HBPL has been empowered to issue an administrative citation on the spot, without calling in law enforcement, Hayden said, owing to a change in the municipal code approved by the city council. The offender then must appear at an administrative hearing to pay the fine, which most probably would be reduced to $100.
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