måndag, juli 02, 2007

Not that there's anything wrong

OK. Säg inte att jag skvallrade. Men vad ska man tro om en karl som förklarade sin ensamhet med att han var gift med den palestinska saken, och som dör efter en längre tids sjukdom, med immunförsvarsproblem, och där religiösa fundamentalister förhindrar obduktion.

Nu surrar rykten om att Yassir Arafat skulle varit, ja, frihetskämpe på riktigt.
Yediot Ahronot, Israels största blaska, berättar att stormtrupper från Hamas har hittat dokument, nu när de plundrat palestinska myndighetens byggnader, som visar att det försiggick både det ena och det andra i rörelsen.

Hamas sources claim that such documents are proof of "corruption, collaboration with Israel and a total lack of morals, including homosexual relations between officials."
Israeliska tabloiden Maariv har samma story:
According to Fatah security apparatus orders, it was important to duly destroy any sensitive document or material before it fell into the hands of the Hamas. Now, however, it appears that not only intelligence material was stored at command headquarters and that not just weapons and documents have fallen into Hamas men's hands, but also a real treasure of a different kind: tens of sex tapes documenting the deeds of much of the senior Palestinian leadership.

Most of the tapes show Palestinian seniors cheating on their wives. Of course, these materials were regarded as explosive stuff in the Palestinian arena, which is particularly sensitive to moral violations. The embarrassing tapes shot secretly were used as a means to extort and pressure various different targets, who necessarily feared any repercussions from both a personal and public angle.
Ja, inte vet jag.

(via Hot Air)


Man ska inte blogga efter alkoholintag. Arafat hade en dotter. Ja, han var ju gift, rentav. Som det står i Wikipedia:
The marriage, which was kept secret for two years, came as a surprise to many Palestinians. For years, Arafat had jokingly said that the reason he was single was because he was married to the Palestinian cause. As a young man Arafat did not have much luck with women and there is no evidence of him having a relationship with a woman in his youth.