Etiopiens diktator framhäver Socialdemokraterna som ledstjärna
Den svenska socialdemokratin är inne i ett förlopp där partiet krymper till ett normalstort europeiskt socialdemokratiskt parti. I det pågående EU-parlamentsvalet kommer med all sannolikhet den trenden fortsätta. Det betyder att Sverige normaliseras, och att Socialdemokraterna hädanefter inte alltid kommer att sitta i maktställning.
Kritiken mot socialdemokratins dominans och den så kallade enpartistaten blir ibland häcklad som vore den extrem borgerlig propaganda. Men det är Sverige, genom socialdemokratins osunt dominanta ställning, som är extremt.
Ett bevis: Etiopiens diktator Meles Zenawi försvarar sina 18 år vid makten med att säga att Sveriges socialdemokrater minsann haft makten nästan hela tiden sedan 1930-talet. Africa Confidential:
AC: It’s been 18 years, which is a long time to be in power. Would you say that this length of time is due to the successes of the EPRDF or to the weakness of the opposition?
Meles: That is a very difficult question, the fact that the EPRDF has been in power [for this long] is both a reflection of its strength and the weakness of the opposition. The fact that the same group of leaders, including myself, have been in leadership positions of the EPRDF is also both a reflection of its strength and weaknesses. So you have two different questions: why the EPRDF has been in power for so long, that is not necessarily something bad. I know, for example, that the social democracy in Sweden [Swedish Social Democratic Party] have been in power for 80-90 % of the time since the thirties. The Labour Party has been in power since the end of the Second World War. Now, what is perhaps more of a concern is that within the same party, the same people have been in positions of leadership throughout the period. This needs to be tackled and I am sure that the EPRDF is aware of it and is trying to address it.