Svenske terrorledaren Fuad Khalaf hotar mörda journalister
Den svenske medborgaren Fuad Mohamed Qalaf (alias Sheikh Fu'aad Maxamed Khalaf, alias Shongole), som är en högt uppsatt ledare i den somaliska terroristorganisationen Shabaab, uppmanade vid ett tal inför åhörare i staden Merka på tisdagen (5/5) sina anhängare att mörda journalister från Waaga Cusub Media. Detta inträffade bara några dagar efter att han själv intervjuats av samma nyhetsförmedlare.
Enligt Waaga Cusub Media beror hoten på att organisationen är en av få i Somalia som vågat visa bilder på Shabaabs blodiga framfart. Den islamistiske svensken menar att nyhetsförmedlaren går ärenden åt de otrogna.
Somalia: Al-Shabab angered by Somali key Media OrgUppdatering:
Mogadishu 06 May 2009 Waagacusub Media.
The second man of Somalia’s Islamist radical group ‘Al-Shabab’ Fuad Mohamed Khalaf better known as (Fuad-Shangole) on Tuesday has verbally attacked Waagacusub Media accusing it of working for infidels which he means ‘The Western powers’.
Speaking to hundreds of people who gathered in Merka town, the capital of lower Shabelle region in southern Somalia, Mr. Shangole said Al-Shabab does not kill the Muslim people but Waagacusub Media is accustomed to shame the Mujahideens and give wrong pictures about the Islamists.
His offensive remarks came week after he was interviewed by Waagacusub in which Shangole described the Al-Shabab spokesman Mokhtar Robow Abu-mansor as a man of tribalism after he had freed some of former government ministers because of his kinsmen.
“the outcry of Shangole resulted when Al-Shabab administration had argument with him over the interview he had given to Waagacusub Media,” said Abdirahman Isse Addow, the spokesman of Islamic Courts Union.
Despite condemnations of the latest attacks and threats on the people in the media, Shangole called for Al-Shabab fighters to hunt down the reports of Waagacusub Media.
Associated Somali Journalists (ASOJ) is condemning the insulting words of Al-Shabab second man on Waagacusub Media as violation against the freedom of press and democracy.
213 journalists fled Somalia in 2008 after they received life threats by Al-Shabab group through their telephone lines. became the only Somali website that published the human violations involved by Al-Shabab.
Al-Shabab hardliners which is linked to Al-Qaeda was the first group that carried out suicide bombing which is an act aimed to give bad image about the Islam.
By Mohamed Abdi
Svenske imamen Sheikh Fuad verkar för övrigt ha haft hektiska dagar den senaste tiden. Fejder inom rörelsen, rykten om hans död, och dödshot mot journalister kan tyckas nog. Men enligt en somalisk bloggare är han också skyldig till att ha ödelagt ett dussin gravar utanför Kismayo. Gravar som inte är sant muslimska, enligt Shabaab, och därför måste utplånas. I nyhetstexten har dock Sheikh Fuad fått efternamnet Abdullahi, varför det finns skäl att något tvivla på uppgiften.
Garowe online:
At least 12 gravesites were destroyed in the outskirts of Kismayo this week by Al Shabaab, fighters and residents said.
Sheikh Fu'ad Abdullahi, who a senior member of Al Shabaab, said the gravesites were destroyed as part of an "ongoing process."
"The destroyed gravesites were places where people worshipped, and this is forbidden by Islam," Sheikh Fu'ad told reporters.
The town of Kamsuma, which is located 90km north of Kismayo, was the site where many religious scholars were buried, with some graves reportedly older than a century.
Heavy fighting erupted in central Somalia's Galgadud region in late 2008 between Al Shabaab and Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamee'a, a Sufi group, with reporting linking the eruption of that conflict to Al Shabaab desecration of gravesites.