fredag, juni 26, 2009

Colombia efterlyser svenska Anncols sambandsman

Den svenska extremvänstern uppmanas att söka igenom sina telefonböcker och kolla gästbäddarna i sina sommarstugor. Den colombianska staten efterlyser nu mannen som varit länken mellan Colombias mördargerilla FARC och Sveriges kommunister.

Colombia reports

International Police Organization Interpol warranted the arrest of Ómar Arturo Zabala Padilla, who, according to Colombian authorities, is the contact person between the FARC and controversial press agency Anncol.

Sweden-based Anncol often publishes press releases by the FARC and in its opinion articles often takes the side of the Colombian guerrillas and is accused by the Colombian government of being part of the FARC's network.

Zabala is alleged to be the person that links the Swedish press agency with the Colombian rebels. Authorities base the accusation on files they say were found on the computer of slain FARC commander Raul Reyes, who was in charge of the foreign relations of the guerrillas.
Dror Feiler varde underrättad.