tisdag, december 15, 2009

17 år för svenske självmordsbombarens vän

Den svenske självmordsbombaren in spe Mirsad Bektasevics kontakt i USA, Ehsanul Islam Sadequee, har fått sitt straff bestämt till 17 års fängelse. Pressmeddelandet har de sakliga detaljerna.

BBC har de tragikomiska:

During the hearing, he broke into prayer and melodic chants as he spoke for nearly an hour about Islam.

He said: "I have not and will not request for any sentence because it does not matter to me." He added: "I submit to no-one's authority but the authority of God."

Själva rättegången hölls i augusti, då jag noterade:
Under rättegången visade åklagaren hur Sadequee etablerat kontakt med svenske Mirsad Bektasevic över internet, och att de tillsammans med några andra grundat "Al Qaida i Norra Europa" - samt att Sadequee även försökt få visum för att kunna förflytta sin verksamhet hit till Sverige.
Den roligaste anekdoten om Sadequee är dock att han ertappades med hårdporr instoppat bland jihadican.

Åtalspunkt 32:
32. On or about August 18, 2005, as he departed for Bangladesh, SADEQUEE carried concealed in the lining of his suitcase two CD-ROMs, one containing a pornographic video and the other encrypted files.

Utdragen (1, 2) från domaren William S. Duffey Jr:s uttalanden är underbara.
Duffey noted that the two had said they viewed Superman as "the Antichrist." In pondering why, Duffey said he harkened back to his own childhood, recalling that Superman had always stood for "truth, justice and the American Way."

"I saw these values were your Antichrist," he told Sadequee.

Duffey said that before Monday's sentencing he received "scores of form letters" claiming that the two defendants were peaceful men. Duffey took issue with that characterization, saying that their true intentions were "chillingly displayed" as the two men drove past the Pentagon in April 2005, praising their "brothers" for the 2001 attack "without regard for the innocent fathers and mothers and children on that plane" that terrorists had crashed into the Pentagon on Sept. 11.

"In this court, you have every right to reject our country and its values," Duffey continued. "I have allowed you to do that." But, he added, "We do not allow in our civilized society for people to engage in crimes that risk lives."

After listening to Sadequee's sermon -- which focused in part on the destruction of Pharaoh in the Red Sea as Moses and the children of Israel fled and echoed Sadequee's characterization during his trial of the United States as "Pharaoh Land" -- Duffey said he felt compelled to deter not only Sadequee and Ahmed but others like them "from conduct that threats us, that threatens our society."

"Not once, not once in this case have you expressed any remorse for anything that you have done," Duffey said. "You have not expressed any remorse for your willingness to join with violent men to inflict harm, and in some cases death, on others. And it's because, as you told us this morning, that you are subject to no authority other than the God that you believe requires you to proceed even further in your quest to impose on others a way of life that you believe God seeks to impose on us.

"I will say this. Our Gods are very different. And I am sorry that we have in our country, people that would see a God that loves others engage in the sort of vigilante justice that some in your religion would engage [in] for the purpose of manipulating and changing cultures."