tisdag, november 09, 2010

Så ser talibanerna på de svenska soldaterna i Mazar-e-Sharif

Talibanernas ledare i Balkh-provinsen i Norra Afghanistan heter Mauluvi Raz Haider (eller Mullah Raz Mohamed Haidar). Det är en ung man, född 1983 eller -84. I en sällsynt intervju för jihadistpublikationen Al Somood gav han för ett år sedan sin syn på kriget mot svenskarna – eller korsfararna som han säger.

Al-Somood: We wish to start with providing the readers of al-Somood a general picture of the Jihadist situation in Balkh province?

Mulla Raz Mohamed: The Jihadist situation in Balkh prompts reassurance in the soul for the future of Jihad in this province, because we are witnessing a continuous improvement in our Jihadist circumstances. There are Mujahedeen present in all districts of the province as well as secret cells in the province capital Mazar-e-Sharif.

The capabilities of the Mujahedeen in Balkh differ from province to province. The Mujahedeen enjoy strong control in eight districts, to the point where the enemy cannot bring his forces to the villages or the countryside in those districts and his presence is limited to government buildings and headquarters in the district centers. This is the case in Charbulak, Balkh, Chamtal, Sholgara and other districts controlled by the Mujahedeen. The people there have returned to the Mujahedeen to settle their disputes and conduct their social affairs. When the crusader forces emerge on their security patrols they are not regarded with the same tranquility. When they come with their tanks to these regions they return only after sustaining great losses in men and equipment.

Al-Somood: How many Mujahedeen are in Balkh?

Mulla Raz Mohamed: I to,d you previously that the Mujahedeen are present in all districts of Balkh, but there numbers differ according to the area of the district and the presence of strategic points there. There are large numbers of Mujahedeen in some areas, like Charbulak, where there are more than 300 armed Mujahedeen.

But I do not wish to divulge the number of Mujahedeen in the other districts in consideration of their security situation. They cannot remain there heedless of the enemy. Most of the Mujahedeen are hidden in normal conditions and jobs, and other cover. They come out at designated times to conduct military operations , set up ambushes and plant mines. We can say, however, that all together there are hundreds of Mujahedeen is in the hundreds of each district of Balkh. There are also a large number of young men who are in training and preparation for joining the ranks of the fighting Mujahedeen.

Al-Somood: Which crusader countries are present in Balkh? Where are their important military bases in Balkh?

Mulla Raz Mohamed: The crusader soldiers in Balkh belong to a number of European countries, such as Germany, Bulgaria, Sweden, Norway and some other countries.

Their largest and most important base in located at the Mazar-e-Sharif airport, the province capital. They do not have another base present there yet. But a while ago they had wanted to build bases in the districts of Charbulak and Chamtal. They conducted military operations in these districts to clear them of the Mujahedeen, but they faced violent resistance from the Mujahedeen in those areas and were forced to retreat, frustrated from achieving their goals. Through the grace and assistance of Allah, the Mujahedeen were able to prevent the enemy from building military bases in the province districts.

Al-Somood: It would be wonderful if you could speak to us about the recent gains of the Mujahedeen and the losses of the enemy in Balkh province.

Mulla Raz Mohamed: Very well, although it will be difficult to recount all of the great gains made by the Mujahedeen in this short interview, we will mention some of operations conducted by the Mujahedeen in recent weeks.

A few days before Ramadan, the Mujahedeen targeted an enemy convoy on the highway between Mazar-e-Sharif and Shabar Ghan in the Charbulak district. At dusk, a fight brought out between them and the crusaders and lasted until dawn. The Mujahedeen inflicted on the enemy great losses in men and equipment and set fire to two tanks in the convoy. Four Mujahedeen, we beseech Allah to accept them as martyrs, were martyred while the losses in the enemy convoy were very great. Therefore they called upon aircraft to bomb the area in retaliation upon the people of the region, as is their custom. After each defeat inflicted on the crusaders they direct their rockets and artillery on the people near the site of the incident.

Similarly, the crusaders came to conduct military operations in Chamtal district. But the Mujahedeen had planted remote-controlled mines in the Alizu and Sinan districts, and detonated them on the enemy before they reach the area of operations. The explosions and losses they sustained filled their hearts with fear and they withdrew from the area without accomplishing anything.

The Mujahedeen also challenged the lackey government to prevent it from conducting presidential elections in the Mujahedeen areas of influence. So they were not able to conduct the elections despite mobilizing and employing their large forces. Thus the Mujahedeen were able to throw a complete roadblock before the implementation of this Satanic play. It is worth mentioning, that the ordinary people also refused to participate in the elections in response to the call made by the Mujahedeen in the area.