Svenske självmordsbombaren hjälte även i nya Inspire
Tio döda i ett västland är värt mer än hundra döda i Jemen. Det är kalkylen som ligger bakom att den svenske självmordsbombaren Taimour Abdulwahab al Abdaly hjälteförklaras även i det nya numret av Inspire, den engelskspråkiga internettidskrift som uppges komma från al Qaida på Arabiska halvön (AQAP).
Inspire nummer fem, som publicerades idag, nämner svensken två gånger.
I sektionen för frågor och svar, där alltså redaktionen bakom Inspire ("dina bröder i al Qaida på Arabiska halvön") svarar, ställs en anonym fråga om hur man som västerlänning ska kunna delta i det heliga kriget, om man saknar de rätta kontakerna. Svaret blir bland annat att man kan göra "som Taimour, Rashonara, Nidal och andra", det vill säga bedriva jihad på egen hand i det egna landet. "Det faktum att de lyckades genomföra sina operationer utan att myndigheterna lyckades stoppa dem är en stor framgång". Tidskriften rekommenderar attacker mot nattklubbar och shoppingcentra för den som vill försöka själv.
I en intervju med den militära ledaren för al Qaida på Arabiska halvön (Qasim bin Yahya bin Mahdi ar-Raymi, alias Abu Hurairah, en man som rapporterats som dödad åtskilliga gånger men som alltså tycks vara vid liv) ställs en annan fråga som berör den svenske självmordsbombaren. "Vad har du för råd att ge" "även om det gäller närmast militära instruktioner", frågar man, till den som vill göra som "Nidal Hasan, Omar al-Farouk, Taimour al-Abdali, och syster Roshanara Choudhury". "Du är inte sämre", svarar al Qaida-ledaren, än krigarna i fält. "Om du dödar en grupp judar eller kristna" och någon annan gör samma sak efter dig, och attack följer på attack, så kommer Väst slutligen att upphöra med förödmjukelserna mot islam.
Vi kan alltså se hur svenske Taimour Abdulwahab al Abdaly höjts upp tämligen högt i al Qaidas propaganda. Han nämns i samma andetag som majoren och massmördaren Nidal Malik Hasan, nära knuten till al Qaidas ideolog Anwar al Awlaqi, och kalsongbombaren Omar Farouk Abdulmutallab, som ju var direkt utsänd av al Qaida.
En anledning till detta är skiftet till småskaliga attacker i Väst (som är tänkt att förblöda efter tusen nålstick) – en nödvändighet efter att kriget mot terrorismen gjort storskaliga attacker allt svårare att ro iland. Svensken är därmed en lämplig förebild.
Nedan följer de utdrag ur Inspire som berör svensken, i fulltext.
Sidan 11 och 12:
As-Salâm ‘Alaykum. I live in the West and greatly desire hijrah to the lands of jihad such as Afghanistan or Yemen. I have the money ready and have an idea of where to go. The problem is that I don’t have any contact to meet the mujahidin. What do you recommend that I do?
Jazakamullâhu Khayran,
Anonymous Inquirer
Wa ‘Alaykum as-Salâm, we hope and pray that Allah opens for you a way to the gate of shahâda’. Âmîn.
Your situation describes the same position that many other brothers in the West are going through; they are ready to march forth but don’t have the concrete steps to meet their mujahidin brothers. What we recommend is that you focus on planning out attacks in the West.
The brothers in the West should remember the fiqhî ruling that jihad becomes farđ ‘ayn when the leaders of jihad say it is; and when they say they have sufficient support and no longer need outside help, the jihad is dropped down to the level of farđ kifâyah. So the ruling, aside from other things in the fiqh of jihad, is based on the need of the leadership. Similarly, the mujahidin leadership are today asking the brothers in the West specifically to attack Western interests in the West instead of coming here to Yemen for example. Again, this too is based off of the need of the leadership. However that doesn't mean the jihad here in Yemen isn't farđ ‘ayn.
The foreign brothers that join the mujahidin, many amongst them, conclude that it would have been better for them to return to the West and launch operations. This is because killing 10 soldiers in America for example, is much more effective than killing 100 apostates in the Yemeni military. Usually the brothers coming to the lands of jihad from the West don't have this mentality until they spend some time with their mujahidin brothers. The realization kicks in, the desire burns, but by that time it's too late to return. So we are asking our brothers in the West to come to this realization. This is the chief reason as to why we started placing the translation of Abu Mus'ab al-Suri's works on the theory of individual jihad. With that said, based on your ability, you choose the target. Your pool of targets are large, so make sure to think of all of the available options.
An example of something local, easy and effective is attacking an army recruiting center, nightclub, highway or busy shopping mall. Targets of greater difficulty, like the stock market, well-guarded individuals or intelligence agencies, will naturally require you to scout the enemy and area of attack thoroughly such as his movements, the cameras, security guards, secondary exits and so on.
One of the most effective things to do is to study past operations that failed and were done by individuals and small groups. Noting all the reasons for failure will tremendously help you plan your course of action. You will also need to decide on what you want to do with the operation itself. Do you want to keep repeating operations or do a martyrdom operation?
We have noticed that the year 2010 alone saw the most arrests in the West for homegrown jihadi operations. Most of those arrested were arrested in groups, one connected to another. Sometimes the enemy would even set up the brother in a sting operation, fooling him into believing that he was working with the mujahidin. Keeping that in mind, we have witnessed that operations done by lone individuals has proven to be much more successful. So what can we learn from this? Group operations have a greater tendency of failing than lone operations due to the idea (of the operation) escaping the mind and tongue to other individuals.
Even if those individuals are trustworthy in your eyes, there is still that 1% chance that someone from the intelligence agencies are listening in and paying attention to your groups’ actions or that the person you are talking to might be working for the enemy or that he might be pressured at a later period to give information to them. With lone operations however, as long as you keep it to yourself, nobody in the world would know what you’re thinking and planning. That’s why individuals like Taimour, Roshonara, Nidal and others have been successful, even if they were ultimately arrested. The fact that they were able to pull off their operations without being halted by authorities is a great success.
Finally, if you are incapable of carrying out operations in the West, and you decide that traveling to the lands of jihad is the best choice for you but there is no available contact, then make sure to save up enough money to reside in that country for sometime until you find someone. Finding the mujahidin is in itself a great test and trial from Allah. It will test your patience and steadfastness upon the path.
There are quite a few mujahidin in Yemen for example, who had absolutely no contact with al Qaeda, hardly spoke the Arabic language, yet are now with us due to the blessings of Allah upon them. All that we can advise you on this matter is to always put your trust in Allah; don’t ever panic, even if the situation doesn’t go in your favor.
Your brothers in al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula"
Sidan 27 och 28:
"Q7: There are several examples of the individual operations in the West such as Nidal Hasan, Omar al-Farouk, Taimour al-Abdali, and the sister Roshanara Choudhury. What is your advice to the Muslim who seeks to carry out such operations, even if you have to put forward some military instructions in this respect?
A: Let me directly address my Muslim brothers over there: My Muslim brother, indeed those brave ones who have jealousy and concern about their religion and their ummah have recorded their stances towards their religion and the affairs of their ummah, so we consider them from those who won in their worldly life and their hereafter. And you, my honest brother, are no less than them in respect of jealousy towards the religion and ability. If you go kill a group of Jews or Christians after hearing that a pilotless drone killed a group of Muslims in Waziristan, and another person kills another group of them after hearing the killing of his brothers and sisters in Palestine by the Israelis and so on… an operation in their midst after each operation they commit against your Muslim brothers and sisters, if it were to be the case, would stop the striking, killing, occupation, humiliation and disgrace of our holy places that America and the West perpetrates."