måndag, april 25, 2011

Imamen som radikaliserade Guantanamofången i Sverige

Wikileaks publicerade dokument om fångarna på Guantanamo ger fördjupade insikter rörande de fångar som har svenska kopplingar.

Beträffande Gouled Hassan Dourad (Guleed Hassan Ahmed), som bodde i Sverige när han tog värvning i det heliga kriget, får allmänheten nu veta namnen på vilka som bistod honom: imamen i Stockholm Muhammad Nuur och bombmannen Qasim Afgoye.

"Prior History:

Detainee completed secondary school in Mogadishu in 1990. When the Somali civil war began in 1991, detainee’s family sent him to a refugee camp in Puettlingen, Germany (GM). Detainee applied for German asylum in 1992, but was rejected. In mid-1992, detainee moved to the Netherlands, where his case for asylum was also rejected. In the beginning of 1993, detainee moved to Sweden (SW) where his case for asylum was accepted. Detainee continued his education in Stockholm, SW. Detainee lived in Sweden for almost three years.


Recruitment and Travel:

Detainee became interested in the Muslim faith while living in Sweden. Interactions with the Muslim community encouraged detainee to attend Mosque and religious meetings. In 1994, during this time of spiritual growth, detainee’s desire to fight for Somalia against the Ethiopians in the Ogaden region of Ethiopia (ET) surfaced. Detainee believed in the AIAI cause and stated fighting for Somalia was the only thing he ever wanted to do.

In August or September 1995, detainee sought out his friend Muhammad Nuur, aka (Hammad Nur), who convinced detainee to travel to Afghanistan to receive weapons training before returning to Somalia. In early 1996, detainee traveled to Afghanistan to receive training in order to participate in the war against Ethiopia (ET).

Muhammad Nuur arranged for the detainee and his friend Qasim Afgoye, aka (Qasim Muhammad), to meet with Ahmad Abdi in Islamabad, Pakistan (PK) via Karachi, PK. Detainee and Qasim stayed with Ahmed Abdi for one week in student housing at the International Islamic University in Islamabad, where Abdi was a student.

Detainee then traveled to Baabi, PK, where he stayed with Omar al-Jazairi. Omar took detainee and seven others through Miram Shah, PK into Afghanistan.


Training and Activities:

Detainee attended the Khaldan Training Camp in Khowst, AF between January and October 1996. Detainee received training on small arms, rocket propelled grenades (RPGs), and tactics. Detainee stated Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi, aka (Ali Muhammad Abd al-Aziz al-Fakhri, ISN US9LY-000212DP (LY-212)) was the emir (leader) of the camp. After completing training at Khaldan (approximately one year after leaving Sweden), detainee and Qasim traveled to an unknown camp north of Khowst, where he received additional training on assassinations from moving vehicles. Detainee said Abu Ayub was emir at this camp. Upon completion of training in November 1996, detainee and Qasim traveled to Buroa, SO, which served as a staging ground for AIAI fighters’ infiltration into Ogaden. Detainee stayed at Buroa until approximately April 1997. Detainee joined AIAI in 1997.

From 1997 to 2002, detainee traveled between Ogaden, with stops at Hargeysa, SO and Mogadishu several times, fighting the Ethiopians and training AIAI fighters. From May through June 1997, detainee provided small arms training (AK-47s, pistols, RPGs, and anti-tank missiles) and basic self-defense to AIAI members in Gedo, SO.

From mid-1997 until early 1998, detainee traveled between Gedo and Mogadishu, training AIAI members at both locations. When in Mogadishu, detainee married. In April 1998, detainee traveled again to Ogaden, staying there for six months. While in Ogaden, detainee again participated in the fighting against the Ethiopians and trained AIAI members. When the fighting ended in 1998, detainee moved back to his home city of Kismayo, SO.

In early 1999, detainee attended the National Computer Institute in Mogadishu, where he took six months of classes in computer software and three months of classes in computer hardware.

In early 2000, detainee returned to Ogaden where he stayed until January 2001, providing more small arms training to AIAI members. Detainee then returned to Mogadishu. From February to May 2001, detainee traveled to Nairobi, Kenya (KE) trying to obtain refugee status for his mother.

Detainee returned to Mogadishu in May 2001, and continued training AIAI members and purchasing weapons for the group. In late 2002, detainee traveled to Hargeysa, SO to purchase ammunition.

During September and October 2003, on behalf of East Africa al-Qaida cell leader Abu Talha al-Sudani, detainee traveled to Djibouti, via Hargeysa to assess Camp Lemonier security measures for possible future operations, and determined it was not a viable target. At the 25 November 2003 meeting, AIAI members proposed a plan using an RPG to shoot down an Ethiopian jet liner as it was landing.

Capture Information:

[...] Djiboutian Authorities captured detainee at his house in March 2004 for his involvement in terrorist activities and turned him over to US custody on an unknown date."
I fotnoterna ges ytterligare förklaringar till de i Sverige uppdykande namnen: Muhammad Nuur var imam i Stockholm och Qasim Afgoye blev senare bombtillverkare.
"Analyst Note: Muhammad Nuur was the imam of the Somali Mosque attended by detainee while in Sweden


Qasim Afgoye is the AIAI bomb maker and trainer"