torsdag, september 29, 2011

Martyrbiografin över Abu Musab al-Swedani

Den förste svensk som användes i jihadpropaganda var Michael Glinka, mer känd som Abu Musab al-Swedani. Han hade algeriskt påbrå på fädernet, växte upp i Lärkstaden i Stockholm och dog som Sveriges kanske första 'martyr' i det heliga kriget, närmare bestämt i Bosnien. Filmen som odödliggjorde honom heter Martyrs of Bosnia, utgiven av Azzam publications, och det var den första engelskspråkiga jihadfilmen att spridas på kopierade VHS:er över världen.

Filmen beskriver hur heliga krigare från hela världen möter upp i Bosnien för att kriga mot både serber och kroater, och skildrar en rad operationer – och dem som offrade sina liv i dem.
Abu Musabs öde behandlas i avsnittet om ”Operation Croshitsa, 2nd Vitez Operation” en offensiv där mujahiderna mötte motgångar och blev tvungna att retirera, för att sedan försöka återta positionerna.
Filmen förekommer i varierande redigeringar, och det är inte alltid man hittar klippet med svensken. I utsnittet nedan börjar det vid 03:12 och pågår till 06:31.
”This attack was aimed at the western side of Vitez in the vicinity of an explosives factory” förklarar berättarrösten.
”The Croats were defeated and the Mujahideen were forced to stay in the area for a whole day. Due to the failure of the Bosnian army, the Mujahideen were forced to withdraw”. ”And in the morning of the second day, the brothers wanted to regain the previous positions, but were unable to do so and Abu Musab from Sweden was killed, may Allah have mercy on him.”

Och där, vid den gula stillbilden av den hippieaktigt långhårige svensken (egentligen ett fototillfälle där han står bredvid en Abu Hudalfah från Afghanistan), börjar martyrbiografin, berättad av två arabiska röster, men textad på engelska.

”Abu Musab lived in Sweden with his Algerian father and his Swedish mother, he was not more than 20 years old. When Allah guided him, he became interested in studying Islam. And so he travelled to the Arabian Peninsula where, for one and a half years, he studied the Arabic language and the Shariah.

On his return to Sweden he began to call his family and relatives to Islam, in particular his mother who was a Christian. She began to change upon which she said, 'Indeed Islam is a great religion.' Abu Musab began to follow the news of the Muslims around the world and in particular the killing of the Muslims and their expulsion from their homes. He then understood that there is no dignity for the Muslims except through Jihad.

During the period of the Afghan Jihad Abu Musab arrived in Peshawar with a brother from the Mujahideen. His travel companion wanted to enter the Land of Jihad. Initially Abu Musab himself had decided to stay in Pakistan to carry out dawah efforts. Before his friend left him, Abu Musab had a dream. He saw himself in an ocean and his brother (travel companion) on a boat holding out a rope to him. He attempted to make Abu Musab hold on to the rope so he could save him, but he was unable. So when he told his brother about the dream, his brother informed him of the need for him to join the Caravan of Mujahideen in Afghanistan.

Abu Musab spent a period of time participating in the Jihad after he had trained and prepared himself. Afterwards he returned to Sweden where he got married.

As soon as he heard about the problems in Bosnia, he answered the call and rushed to give assistance to the Muslims. He joined the Mujahideen in an area called Igman close to Sarajevo and he spent a period of time there, fighting against the Serbs with his Arab brothers.

After a while he decided to return to Sweden, but was captured on the way by the Croats. He remained in captivity in a prison for about a month and a half, until Allah willed for him to be freed. He then rejoined his brothers and took part in the battles against the Croats in Jutla near Vitez.

It was here that Allah chose him to be from among the Martyrs insha-Allah.

Abu Musab from Sweden (of Algerian origin) was killed during an intense battle. He was hit by a sniper bullet. After which he immediately prostrated to Allah and it turned out to be his last prostration, which came on the Land of Jihad. We ask Allah to accept him from the martyrs.”
I den sista bilden släpas svenskens lik bort i en skyttegrav.