Här hyllar jihadisterna i Syrien den svenske martyren
Kamal Badri, född 1990 och bosatt i Bergsjön i Göteborg, blev den förste svenske medborgaren som rapporterades död i striderna i Syrien. Budskapet om hans död spreds av familj och närstående i slutet av januari, men nådde en bredare svensk allmänhet först en månad senare då Expressen skrev om dödsfallet.
Nu hedras Kamal Badri med en hyllningsvideo från kamraterna i fält. Den syriska gruppen Kataib al Muhajereen, där flera svenskar strider, publicerade idag en video på Youtube till minne av Badri.
Filmen "Shaheed Abu Kamal" är 4.46 minuter lång, finns i både arabisk och engelsk version, och tankades upp på Youtube av den nye användaren "Abu Mujahir" som säger sig finnas i Turkiet.
Filmen presenteras som "en rörande berättelse som alla bör se och ta lärdom av":
"This is the story of the Swedish Mujaahid Abu Kamal who was martyred in the suburbs of Aleppo, Syria. A moving story that everyone should watch and learn from."
"This is the story of Shaheed Abu Kamal As Swedee. Abu Kamal was born and raised in Sweden to an upper middleclass family. During his early years his older brother used to regularly encourage him to pray and worship Allaah. However when Abu Kamal was approximately 17 years old the desire to please Allaah seemed to burn on it's own and no longer needed any coaxing.
Abu Kamal was frequently described as kind, friendly, generous, and always helpful. When any one of the brothers had to move to a new house Abu Kamal's phone would ring and a voice would be asking for help. Everyone knew that he would not refuse a call for help. The fact that he was very athletic, fast on his feet and extremely strong even for someone of a much bigger size may also have played a role as well. There would sometimes be sittings where Abu Kamal and several of his friends would sit around with the lights turned out and watch reports of the rape of Muslim women and the slaughter of defenseless families by the enemies of Allaah. They would keep the lights turned off so if anyone would drop a tear for their Muslim brothers and sisters they could do so in private. Abu Kamal was one of those who used to cry and say: "How can we ever live a normal life while the Muslims are suffering?"
It was at this time that several of his friends were preparing to go to Syria for jihad. He too wanted to go, but he loved his mother dearly and would worry about her. Ultimately, he decided to leave. His mother said to him: "I need you here with me". He would gently reply: "My mothers in Syria need me as well."
When he crossed the Syrian border, initially he joined Jaysh Al Hur known as the Free Syrian Army. He saw that most of them didn't pray, listened to music, and smoked cigarettes. In short he didn't see much difference between the character of those he was fighting against and those he was fighting alongside of. He cae to Syria to fight to make the word of Allaah uppermost in the land, yet he doubted that the Free Syrian Army shared the same objective. Therefore he decided to leave and go back to Turkey where he would meet his old friend Abu Sulaymaan whom he grew up with and seek his advice.
Upon meeting Abu Sulaymaan they decided to go back to Syria to talk to some of the people of knowledge inside the country as there was a growing discussion back in Sweden that the jihad in Syria was not obligatory on everyone and since they did not have their parents consent then their jihad wouldn't be accepted from them. However after speaking to some knowledgeable people about the issue, he began to feel reassured that he was indeed on the right path. However, he had one simple problem: what group would he join??? It was at this time that he met some brothers from the Muhaajireen Brigade and spoke to them about some of the issues troubling him. He felt comfortable with the Muhaajireen and felt they understood him. He decided to go back to the Muhaajireen wherein he met a Chechnyan brother who calmly told him that he could stay with them. If he liked what he saw then he could join, if not then he was free to move on.
Abu Kamal felt right at home with the group that consisted of brothers who came to fight for the sake of Allaah from around the world.
While on an operation, Abu Kamal was covering Shaheed Abu Fidaa who was attempting to take out one of Assad's oncoming military vehicles with an RPG, when a tank shell slammed into a wall next to him. Shrapnel entered his head in three different places. Abu Qudamah and Abu Fidaa quickly picked him up and carried him to an awaiting ambulance. While in the back of the ambulance he wasn't responsive to any of those around him but he was seen saying: "Laa ilaaha illa Allaah" over and over again.
Abu Kamal was 22 years old and is buried in the city where he courageously fought to please Allaah. His mother was happy that her baby boy was buried in the land of jihad. We ask Allaah to accept Abu Kamal as a shaheed and to grant him the uppermost part of paradise.
Ameen."I eftertexten anges att filmen är "A Muhaajireen Brigade Production", och tittaren uppmanas att "Follow us on Twitter @KMuhajireen".
Några reflektioner.
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Abu Fidaa och Abu Qudamah |
Texten i filmen antyder att det svenska inslaget i gruppen dock är betydande. "Åtskilliga av hans vänner förberedde sig för att dra till Syrien för jihad", heter det. I Turkiet stämmer han träff med Abu Sulaymaan, "en gammal vän som han växt upp med", och de bägge bestämmer sig för att återvända till Syrien.
En snabb koll på yttranden från svenskar i Syrien ger en rad namn: Abu Kamal (Kamal Badri), Abu Dhirar (Bherlin Gildo), Abu Sulaymaan, Abu Tauba, Mark Abu Usama, Abu Yaqeen, och jag har också sett namnet Abu Kaka i ett meddelande.
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Abu Sulaymaan t v |
Bergsjön i Göteborg verkar vara en spännande plats. Därifrån kommer Kamal Badri, Bherlin Gildo, och "Abu Sulaymaan".
"Abu Sulaymaan" visar sitt ansikte i filmen, om det nu är han.
Turkiet är oerhört betydelsefullt som transitland, logistisk bas och semesteranläggning för jihadisterna.