måndag, december 18, 2006


Många retar upp sig på vad jag ibland tycker om kriget i Irak, och kriget mot jihadisterna, USAs roll, etcetera. Det beror inte på att jag har fel, utan på att jag är en dålig pedagog. Den som undrar vad jag verkligen tycker ska läsa Charles Krauthammers senaste mästerliga text Past the Apogee: America Under Pressure.

As the Bush Doctrine has come under attack, there are those in America who have welcomed its apparent setbacks and defeats as a vindication of their criticism of the policy. But the problem is that that kind of vindication leaves America in a position where there are no good alternatives. The reason that there is general despair now is because if it proves to be true that the Bush Doctrine has proclaimed an idea of democratizing the Arab/Islamic world that is unattainable and undoable, then there are no remaining answers to how to counter ultimately the threat of Islamic radicalism.
Han formulerar exakt vad jag menar men aldrig lyckas säga. Läs alltihop!
