onsdag, december 20, 2006

Överklagandeinstans för terrorstämplad

Ett visst mått av rättssäkerhet har införts av FNs säkerhetsråd för dem som, liksom den nu aktuelle svenskmarockanen, stämplats som terrorister eller terroristmedhjälpare, skriver TT:

Svårigheterna att ta bort namn eller rätta till misstag på FN:s sanktionslista över terrormisstänkta personer har länge upprört européer, som har lagt fram en rad förslag som diskuterats under de senaste fyra åren.

De nya bestämmelserna tillåter individer eller grupper att lägga fram sitt fall till en enhet i FN-sekretariatet. Där ska informationen gås igenom och presenteras för en panel under ledning av Argentinas FN-ambassadör Cesar Mayoral.

Men panelen, där alla 15 medlemmar i säkerhetsrådet har vetorätt, fäller avgörandet.
Pressmeddelandet från FNs säkerhetsråd är fylligare, men snårigt:
De-listing procedure

The Security Council requests the Secretary-General to establish, within the Secretariat (Security Council Subsidiary Organs Branch), a focal point to receive de-listing requests. Petitioners seeking to submit a request for de-listing can do so either through the focal point process outlined below or through their state of residence or citizenship.

The focal point will perform the following tasks:

1. Receive de-listing requests from a petitioner (individual(s), groups, undertakings, and/or entities on the Sanctions Committee’s lists).

2. Verify if the request is new or is a repeated request.

3. If it is a repeated request and if it does not contain any additional information, return it to the petitioner.

4. Acknowledge receipt of the request to the petitioner and inform the petitioner on the general procedure for processing that request.

5. Forward the request, for their information and possible comments to the designating government(s) and to the government(s) of citizenship and residence. Those governments are encouraged to consult with the designating Government(s) before recommending de-listing. To this end, they may approach the focal point, which, if the designating state(s) so agree(s), will put them in contact with the designating state(s).

6. (a) If, after these consultations, any of these governments recommend de-listing, that government will forward its recommendation, either through the focal point or directly to the Chairman of the Sanctions Committee, accompanied by that government’s explanation. The Chairman will then place the de-listing request on the Committee’s agenda.

(b) If any of the Governments, which were consulted on the de-listing request under paragraph 5 above oppose the request, the focal point will so inform the Committee and provide copies of the de-listing request. Any member of the Committee, which possesses information in support of the de-listing request, is encouraged to share such information with the governments that reviewed the de-listing request under paragraph 5 above.

(c) If, after a reasonable time (3 months), none of the governments which reviewed the de-listing request under paragraph 5 above comment, or indicate that they are working on the de-listing request to the Committee and require an additional definite period of time, the focal point will so notify all members of the Committee and provide copies of the de-listing request. Any member of the Committee may, after consultation with the designating government(s), recommend de-listing by forwarding the request to the Chairman of the Sanctions Committee, accompanied by an explanation. (Only one member of the Committee needs to recommend de-listing in order to place the issue on the Committee’s agenda.) If after one month, no Committee member recommends de-listing, then it shall be deemed rejected and the Chairman of the Committee shall inform the focal point accordingly.

7. The focal point shall convey all communications, which it receives from Member States, to the Committee for its information.

8. Inform the petitioner:

(a) Of the decision of the Sanctions Committee to grant the de-listing petition; or

(b) That the process of consideration of the de-listing request within the Committee has been completed and that the petitioner remains on the list of the Committee.

* A State can decide, that as a rule, its citizens or residents should address their de-listing requests directly to the focal point. The State will do so by a declaration addressed to the Chairman of the Committee that will be published on the Committee’s website.

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