Helgonet Olof Palme och den Kubanska diktaturen
Wall Street Journal uppmärksammar i förbigående Sveriges stolta bidrag i arbetet med att permanenta den kubanska revolutionen. Vi borde skämmas.
In 1981, with the blessing of her husband, Ms. Vallejo used an opportunity of a trip to Finland to get eye treatment to take a ferry to Sweden to try to defect. But Sweden's then-socialist government of Olaf Palme handed her back to the Cubans, who swiftly exacted revenge. Her husband and mother both lost their jobs, and they began to be constantly harassed by party officials. On the door of their family home, someone spray-painted "Gusanos," or "Worms," the Cuban words for counterrevolutionaries. When Ms. Vallejo would run across teachers at the university, they would spit in her path.Mona Sahlin brukar säga att hon inte gick med i socialdemokratiska partiet - hon gick med i Olof Palme. Bara i ett totalt historielöst samhälle kan man komma undan med något sådant. Partiets propagandaapparat har tveklöst varit effektiv.
(Tack för tipset, BB!)