tisdag, november 03, 2009

Svenske Shababledaren grundade antijudisk attackstyrka

Den svenske medborgaren Fuad Mohamed Khalaf deltog den 30 oktober i grundandet av den somaliska terroriströrelsen Shababs nya internationella styrka: Al-Qudsbrigaden. Den ska ha till uppgift att "befria islams heliga platser".

har översatt kommunikén från Shabab (pdf):

“In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful"

"Public gatherings of people all around the Islamic districts in the south and middle of Somalia in solidarity with Palestine, and the establishment of the Al-Quds Brigade."

"Thank God, the Almighty Lord, and prayers and peace upon our prophet Muhammad and upon all of his dynasty and companions. And now for the main issue:"

"Hundreds of thousands of citizens in the Islamic districts in [the] south and middle of Somalia, who enjoy a full implementation of Allah's laws under the rule of The Mujahideen Youth Movement [Harakat Al-Shabab Al-Mujahideen] came out [to the streets] on Friday, the 11th of Dhu Al-Qa'dah, 1430 according to the Hijri calendar, the 10/30/2009, in solidarity with their brothers in occupied Palestine and as a condemnation of the crimes of the hated Jews."

"This happened in the districts of Banaadir, Bay, Bakool, Lower Shabele, Middle Shabele, Hiiraan, Galguduud, Lower Juba, Middle Juba, and Gedo. Several of the leaders of The Mujahideen Youth Movement took part in it, among them Sheikh Mukhtar Rubu Ali Abu Mansour, Sheikh Fuad Muhammad Khalaf, Sheikh Sultan Bin Muhammad Al Muhammad, Sheikh Ali Muhammad Hussein and Sheikh Mahed Omar/Amar Abed Al-Karim. In addition, there were several dignitaries and tribal leaders. The leadership of the movement declared the establishment of a special unit whose name is Al-Quds Brigade, and whose goal is to free the Islamic holy places. The unit has shown a very strong military parade and was supplied with different types of weapons as a welcome to the participants."

"Moreover, everybody expressed the necessity that every Muslim around the world would be ready to free the Islamic holy places and that it is time for conducting an open battle with the oppressing Zionist entity as well as targeting its interests, especially in the Black Continent."
Intressant att se hur Somalia, som i princip är så att säga etniskt rent, kan ha ett så levande judehat.