Talibaner mördar svensk biståndsarbetare
En svensk, Joakim Dungel, mördades på eftermiddagen fredagen den 1 april i Afghanistan, då en mobb stormade det FN-kontor han jobbade i, och dödade åtskilliga. Omständigheterna är i skrivande stund oklara, men klart är att dådet var religiöst motiverat. Våldet ska vara en markering mot att en amerikansk pastor har bränt upp ett exemplar av koranen på andra sidan jordklotet.
Åtminstone en nyhetsrapport säger att två av dödsoffren i attacken halshöggs. Om detta gäller svensken framgår inte.
Talibanernas websajt Voice of jihad beskriver händelsen kortfattat.
"Protesters kill 10 US-NATO invaders in Balkh provinceFriday, 01 April 2011 17:10
Zabihullah Mujahid
BALKH, Apr. 01 – Hundreds of the protesters took to street, staging a fierce protest against the US burning the Holy Quran on Friday in Balkh province.
The protester attacked the UN office and got shot by the invaders, martyring 4 civilian protesters; in return the angry protesters attacked killing 10 US-NATO invaders."
En FN-tjänsteman säger att ett av offren fick strupen avskuren.
Uppdatering 2/4 kl 10.43:""Some of them were clearly armed and they stormed into the building" and set it on fire, UN peacekeeping chief Alain Le Roy told reporters after briefing the Security Council at UN headquarters in New York.
"The security guards, who were the Gurkhas, tried their best but the number was so high that they were not able to prevent it."
He denied reports that two of the dead were beheaded but said one victim had his throat cut."
Med tanke på att dåden sägs vara en följd av talibansk uppvigling i samband med fredagsbönerna kan det också vara värt att ta del av talibanernas officiella kommentar till den amerikanske pastorns koranstekning, från den 31/3.
Uppdatering 2/4 kl 18.17:"Hands of American Rulers Behind the Crime of the Holy Quran Burning; unquestionable
Thursday, 31 March 2011 02:03
Some international media outlets reported on the evening of Friday last that Terry Jones, pastor at a church in Gaineville, Florida set fire to a copy of the Holy Quran on Tuesday after a fake trial. According to this Satan, the Holy Quran teaches murder and terrorism in the world. This devilish American pastor had been threatening for the last six months persistently that he would burn hundreds of copies of the Holy Quran on September 11.
The American media outlets like their rulers stayed completely silent as regards this inhumane and wicked action. They neither published commentaries about this evil act nor showed any reaction thereabout. Only a limited number of Muslims in New York condemned the crime of the pastor during a demonstration. They said, the event of burning a copy of the Holy Quran indicates that the Obama Administration is indifferent to the cause of protection of the religious beliefs and values of the Muslims. Contrarily, the Administration acquiesces in allowing him to desecrate Islamic rituals and the sacrosanct.
Though the American rulers say, the burning of the Holy Quran falls under the category of freedom of speech but the question arises if a Muslim reacts to the bestial step of Terry Jones in a self-same manner, then would the American rulers and media tolerate it under the rules of the freedom of speech and would they remain silent? Or rather that the Americans including the rulers, politicians, religious followers and media of the West will simultaneously, run a mock and refer the case to the Security Council and the United Nations?
Terry Jones, pastor of Gaineville church in Florida, USA, has burnt a copy of the Holy Quran in a time that the Americans ironically consider it as a cause of 9/11 and have already invaded Afghanistan and Iraq under the said pretext. They shed blood of hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims and even have recently turned to killing and oppressing the Libyans Muslims. So we can say, the hostility of the pastor and his anti-Islamic crime is not limited to his person but is a comprehensive anti-Islamic plan being implemented with the volition and consent of the White House. Hundreds of times, we have seen abhorrent instances of blasphemy at the hands of the Americans soldiers in Guantanamo, Abu Gharib and Bagram prisons, desecrating the Holy Quran and other Islamic tenets.
While we strongly condemn the crime of the burning of the Holy Quran by the American pastor Terry Jones, meanwhile, we say there are hands and help of the American rulers behind this evil and despicable deed of the pastor. He had been threatening for months to carry out this sinful action and the American rulers were fully aware of his intention.
To end, we call on the Islamic Ummah, not to remain indifferent in face of this contemptible action of the enemies of Islam. Shake up and put pressure on rulers of your countries to come out of the cocoon of hesitation and vacillation and raise the issue of the Holy Quran burning at world level."
Talibanernas nyhetstjänst Voice of jihad har en ny text, men den är förvirrad. Antingen vet centrala ledningen inte exakt vad som försiggår i provinserna, eller så finns det ett övergripande propagandamål med att uttrycka sig dumt.
Uppdatering 2/4 kl 18.27:The three US invading officials among 10 killed Friday in the protest held in Mazar-e-Sharif, the capital of Balkh province against burning of the Holy Quran in US include the regional head of political affairs, the heads of military and humanitarian affairs. The reports confirmed the officials killed are Americans.
According to the reports, on Friday, thousands of the civilians gathering in front of Unama office staged a protest against burring of Holy Quran by a Pop in Florida, a state of the US.
The angry protesters chanted anti-American slogans, condemning this heinous and inhuman act of terrorisms as a worldwide insult to the entire Muslim nation across the word.
The recent reports add the protest was being held outside Unama office, as a result, the invading forces opened firing and martyred 4 civilian protesters, who in return stormed into the Unama office killing 10 invaders, including 3 US officials, while the rest of them were identified as Nepalese.
En gång tidigare har en svensk halshuggits av jihadister. Det var vid massakern i Khobar 2004 som kocken Magnus Johansson mördades. Gärningsmännen beskrev det själva:
"Samtidigt fann vi en svensk otrogen. Broder Nimr högg huvudet av honom och lade det vid entrén, så att det kunde beskådas av alla som gick in och ut. Vi fortsatte sökandet efter otrogna och skar halsen av dem vi fann."Uppdatering 3/4 kl 00.27:
"de beväpnade män som tog sig in på FN-basen lyckades slita loss en dörr till en skyddsbunker där fyra FN-anställda sökt skydd. Bunkerdörren var byggd för att stå emot en bombexplosion men inte en attack från personer på marken.Samma uttalanden låter annorlunda i National Post:
FN-basen bekräftar att en av de fyra i bunkern, en rysk FN-anställd, steg fram mot den beväpnade mobben när den tog sig in genom dörren. Eftersom han talade flytande dari försökte den ryske mannen dra uppmärksamheten till sig men de beväpnade männen fortsatte in i mörkret utrustade med lampor och kunde då hitta de tre som gömde sig där, en av dem svenske Joakim Dungels.
Samtliga drogs ut ur bunkern och dödades. Den ryske FN-anställde överlevde genom att hävda att han var muslim."
"The bunker is made for sustaining attacks by bombs, suicide bombers, not by a crowd of people with hammers or whatever they could find, so they were able to enter the door," Mr. de Mistura said.Uppdatering söndag 3/4 kl 11.58:
When the attackers broke through the head of the mission, a Russian who spoke fluent Dari, stepped forward to try and draw attention to himself. He hoped three others cowering in darkness would not be noticed, but they were dragged out and killed.
"He tried to draw their attention on him, he hoped they would think there was no one else left," Mr. de Mistura said, adding that the mob went in with lamps and searched them out.
"One of my three colleagues was shot by a handgun and was wounded, and one of the infiltrators used a knife to kill him, but did not behead him," de Mistura said, responding to Afghan police reports that two staff members had been beheaded.
The Russian survived by claiming to be a Muslim.
Aftonbladet har en källa som bekräftar att svensken blivit "knivskuren i halsen".
Utöver de döda soldaterna fann de tre avrättade FN-anställda. Bland dem juristen Joakim Dungel.
– Svensken låg på golvet i hallen på första våningen. Han var skjuten och knivskuren i halsen, säger en poliskälla till Aftonbladet.Mordet på svensken har därmed, som jag misstänkte från början, också en symbolisk innebörd. Att avrättas med halshuggning – eller få strupen avskuren – bär på en betydelse inom islam. Middle East Quarterly skrev utförligt, med teologiska referenser, om saken för några år sedan.
While some Islamists might justify murder of prisoners on Qur'anic prescription, others reinforce their conclusions by drawing analogies to events during the almost 1,400 years of Islamic history. Here beheading of captives is a recurring theme. Both Islamic regimes and their opposition have utilized beheadings as both military and judicial policy.
The practice of beheading non-Muslim captives extends back to the Prophet himself.