söndag, juli 17, 2011

Taimour Abdulwahabs misstänkta finansiär omhäktad

Ahmed al Khaledi, misstänkt för finansiell hjälp till den svenske julruschbombaren Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly, har omhäktats i Skottland.

"Den 30-årige sjuksköterskestudenten greps i Glasgowförorten Whiteinch den 8 mars i år. Han har sedan dess suttit häktad misstänkt för att ha finansierat självmordsbombaren Taimour Abdulwahab som sprängde sig själv på Drottninggatan i Stockholm mitt i under julhandeln.

Han har nu omhäktats av domstolen i Edinburgh, när han bevakad av tungt beväpnade vakter fick veta att han får sitta häktad en god stund till.

Enligt skotsk lag får en person sitta häktad i 140 dagar utan att åtal väcks och tidfristen hade gått ut 8 augusti om inte 30-åringen blivit omhäktad, skriver Herald Scotland."
"Enligt reglerna skulle tiden för rättegången mot honom ha gått ut 8 augusti. Men åklagarna yrkade på mer tid för internationella undersökningar. Vilket också bifölls av domstolen.

Enligt Herald Scotland har utredarna bland annat fått hjälp av Microsoft för att spåra mannens e-posttrafik. Försök har också gjorts för att spåra hans aktiviteter på Skype och Facebook. I utredningen har man också sökt hjälp av Sverige, Frankrike och Luxemburg. Enligt Herald Scotland har dock inte Luxemburg samarbetat fullt ut."
"ARMED cops threw a ring of steel around a court yesterday as a terror suspect faced Scottish judges.

Police carrying rifles, side arms and holdalls tightened security for the hearing at the Court of Appeal.

The drama came as Ahmed al-Khaledi - allegedly linked to a suicide bombing in Sweden - was ordered to be held without trial.

Judges said prosecutors could have more time to help the international investigation."
"Following Khaledi's appearance at Glasgow Sheriff Court, he was remanded in custody. Scots law requires a trial to begin within 140 days if the accused is detained, and the period in Khaledi's case expires on 8 August.

In May, a judge, Lady Dorrian, granted an extension until 16 January next year, after the Crown explained that it was taking time to gather evidence from abroad in a 'very complicated investigation'.

Yesterday, the defence counsel, William Taylor, QC, challenged the five-month extension at the Court of Criminal Appeal in Edinburgh. He conceded that the normal time-limit should be extended, but said much information had already been gathered from countries such as France, Sweden and the United States.

'Our courts have historically safeguarded the individual from languishing in prison for long periods of time. I say the extension in this case was too long.'"
Bakom betalvägg, vad som verkar vara den mest faktaspäckade texten: Herald Scotland:
"Mr al Khaledi’s faced three charges under anti-terror laws and five charges of breaching immigration and banking rules.

He is suspected of helping the Swedish bomb plot by providing money. The charges against him allege he is not Kuwaiti as he claims, that he fraudulently set up bank accounts and held cash and bank cards which could have been used by terrorists.

Lord Eassie, sitting with Lords Malcolm and Osborne, heard putting a case together had involved seeking assistance from the authorities in Sweden, France and Luxembourg.

Microsoft had been asked to help trace emails and attempts were being made to check messages on Facebook and Skype.

Advocate depute Andrew Miller, for the Crown, said, so far, only Luxembourg had not co-operated fully.

Bill Taylor, QC, for Mr al Khaledi, said he recognised the “complicated nature of the investigation”.

Lord Eassie said: “In unusual cases such as this, the investigations which the Crown considers it requires to carry out are to some extent unpredictable in that they involve the seeking of assistance from authorities in other countries.”

The judge said the Crown could seek a new extension if circumstances changed."