torsdag, februari 15, 2007

Gripen islamist berättar: Al Qaida i Somalia

Amerikanske islamisten Daniel Joseph Maldonado, a.k.a Daniel Aljughaifi, som greps på flykt i Kenya har i förhör bekräftat samarbetet mellan Islamiska Domstolarnas Förbund och Al Qaida. Det framgår av åtalet (pdf) som utgör mycket intressant läsning om den somaliska islamiströrelsens rekryteringsprocess.

21. MALDONADO stated that while residing with the young mujahadin in Mogadishu, he became aware that al Qaeda members were residing and training in the same compound. A Yemeni who personally knew bin Laden, and MALDONADO, participated in nightly gatherings during which stories of bin Laden were told by the Yemeni. MALDONADO identified certain members at the camp as being al Qaeda, although he did not know for sure who all of the al Qaeda members were. MALDONADO opined that al Qaeda fighters were given much more respect than members of the ICU. During discussions with the young mujahadin, they spoke about conquering Somalia, Ethiopia, and Egypt and making them Islamic states. MALDONADO learned about a major al Qaeda operative fighting in the southern part of Somalia whom he did not meet.