måndag, januari 29, 2007

Svenske islamisten i Somalia identifierad

Talesmannen för Somalias regering identifierade på söndagen den svenske medborgare som finns i somaliskt förvar, misstänkt för att ha stridit med islamisterna, tillfångatagen vid gränsen mot Kenya, berättar Somalinet.

Dinari told the local media today that what he called "the deported terrorists" were mostly foreign fighters who were caught at the Kenya-Somalia border during the hunt down operations in southern Somalia.

“They were born of many different countries like Yemen, Jordan, Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Syria, Comoros, Tanzania, Kenya Ethiopia, Morocco and Somalia,” Dinari said. “Among them were the wives and the children of the most wanted terrorists including Fazul Mohamed Ali, Osman Yasin, Swedish national and Ahmed, Morocco national,”

Mr. Dinari said the security officers handling the case of these terrorists have issued a full report detailing on their identities. All the suspects are being investigated and anyone who is found guilty will be brought before justice, the report said.