Kassirdomen - inget tack till Sverige
Med anledning av att den svenske medborgaren Oussama Kassir nyligen dömdes till livstids fängelse för terroristbrott i USA publicerade åklagaren ett pressmeddelande (pdf). Där förklaras i viss mån vad Kassir dömts för, och där citeras domarens bedömning om att Kassir är "ett klart hot mot allmän säkerhet". Åklagaren passar också på att tacka dem som varit behjälpliga.
United States Attorney BHARARA stated: "Oussama Kassir trained men to become terrorists on American soil. Today's life sentence underscores our unwavering commitment to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law anyone who supports al Qaeda's mission of violence and hate."Bortsett från att prisa de inhemska myndigheterna delade alltså åklagaren rosor ut till Interpol och en rad tjeckiska myndigheter.
Mr. BHARARA praised the New York Joint Terrorist Task Force, which includes agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") and detectives from the New York City Police Department. He also expressed appreciation to the U.S. Embassy in Prague and the FBI's Legal Attache Offices in Prague; Copenhagen; and London, for their assistance in the investigation. Mr. BHARARA further expressed his appreciation to FBI Headquarters and the FBI field offices in Seattle, Salt Lake City, Utah, and San Francisco, California, as well as the United States Attorney's Office in Seattle and the Counterterrorism Section at the Department of Justice, for their assistance in the investigation of KASSIR.
Finally, Mr. BHARARA also thanked the Office of International Affairs of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice, Interpol, the Department of Homeland Security, the Czech Ministry of Justice, the Police of the Czech Republic, and the Prison Service of the Czech Republic for their assistance during the arrest and extradition proceedings involving KASSIR.
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