Ökänd nätjihadist: 'Jag hade kontakt med Taimour'
Pseudonymen Abu Suleiman Al Nasser har gjort sig ökänd genom flera hot mot Sverige på olika jihadistiska debattforum. Vilken tillförlitlighet som ligger i dessa olika uttalanden är omdebatterat. Att Abu Suleiman Al Nasser hyser ett starkt intresse för Skandinavien står dock klart - även om ingen vet varför.
Terrorismexperten JM Berger intervjuade Abu Suleiman Al Nasser via epost i höstas. I intervjusvaren framgår att Abu Suleiman Al Nasser främst är en propagandist utan djupare förankring i de kretsar som begår de fysiska terrordåden. Däremot menar han att han har ett stort kontaktnät på internet.
Abu Suleiman Al Nasser ser sig som medlem i al-Qaida och påstår att han hade kontakt med den svenske självmordsbombaren Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly, berättar JM Berger:
"In the case of the Stockholm bombing, he says he knew the bomber, Taimour al-Abdaly, through an online connection but never met him face-to-face.Intervjun är också publicerad i sin helhet. Där står:
In the wake of the bombing, he posted additional threats against NATO member countries in an audio communiqué. The threats, he says, were not intended to represent any specific organization but the Al Qaeda movement."
2. You first made headlines with posts concerning Taimour Abdulwahhab and the December 2010 Stockholm bombing, which appeared to include information not widely available in the media. Did you have a connection to Taimour, or did you find his name from another source?
I can't say much about this subject, but what I can say is that I did know him through the Internet. I never met him face-to-face.
3. You then posted a warning to Nato countries referencing Stockholm and warning of further attacks. Do you speak for a specific organisation in making those threats?
When I made that threat, I meant that it was going to be done by supporters of jihad. There had been some tries before, and some groups had gotten arrested. One was not a long time after Taimour's operation. I can say that the jihadists in general, within Al Qaeda and other groups, really want to make attacks in Europe and America. There are already people who are ready to do it, or at least have the ability to do it, within Europe and America. It is only a matter of time until that happens. To get back to the main question, I am not a leader in Al Qaeda or talking for them, but I consider myself a member of Al Qaeda and the new generation of jihadists.